An explanation of the pre-set Tuition Attendance Roll options
Some pre-set ensemble member printouts
Create and send enrolment letters for all recently enrolled students.
Several pre-set printouts of current tuition enrolments
Produce a printable checklist with a note indicating to whom and by when your teaching staff should notify changes.
Class lists of all students involved in ensembles, sorted by Form
A log sheet for teachers to enter the ensembles/classes they have taken.
A basic printout showing the details of an ensemble and a list of names of members.
A list for each ensemble, showing student name, form, instrument, and a photo
All the different roll types
Overview of various exam printouts
How to produce a roll and other reports for excursions
Finds all students currently enrolled in Tuition but not in an ensemble
Finds all current hire records and produces a summarised report showing total students and total fee.
You can use this button to print Music Lesson Advice Slips for students.
How to produce Music Program Advice Slips.
This report displays a list of payments received, sorted by payment date.
Finds all tuition enrolments that have a PENDING status and displays them in a list that you can print or save.
Two easy printouts of tuition enrolment information that can be very helpful.
A quick report on resources in your database.
How to produce blank rolls
Printable lists of Tuition enrolments, sorted by Form.
Two easy printouts of your Ensemble setup information.