The kind of list that might be used to chase up unpaid accounts.
An end-of-year procedures for ensemble enrolments
How to archive attendance records
How to archive a group of calendar entries
An explanation of the pre-set Tuition Attendance Roll options
How to set up backups for Music Monitor
Send across additional charges relating to tuition enrolments
Sending camp and excursion fees to accounts in bulk.
Procedure for billing in advance with attendance roll reconciliation
The billing proof is a summarised report of amounts billed in Music Monitor.
How to use & print billing statements instead of invoices
How to bill tuition in arrears for lessons given according to roll marking.
Overview of the Child Minding Report.
Clear booked lesson and ensemble times but leave students enrolled.
Some pre-set ensemble member printouts
A quick report to print or export
A quick report
Overview of the various Debtor Reports
Create and send enrolment letters for all recently enrolled students.
Several pre-set printouts of current tuition enrolments
Produce a printable checklist with a note indicating to whom and by when your teaching staff should notify changes.
Class lists of all students involved in ensembles, sorted by Form
This report pulls information from the marked Ensemble rolls and summarises by Campus (or School) then Ensemble Name. It displays total enrolments and fees.
A list for each ensemble, showing student name, form, instrument, and a photo