Found at Common Tasks > End of year procedures > Archive ALL (or all Year 12) students.

At the schools I worked at, our ensembles used to roll over from year to year. I would print rolls at the start of the year using the previous year's names and then the conductors would make notes on them, give them back to me, and I would fix and reprint for the following week. If you operate a similar way, then all you need to do at the end of the year is archive ALL YEAR 12 students.

However, some schools like to start afresh each year - and that's OK, too! If you wish to archive ALL your ensemble students at the end of each year, select this button, and you will be taken to a screen where you will be able to archive all the current records in a couple of steps.

Archive Year 12 Students

If you only wish to archive ALL YEAR 12 students:

  1. Select the Show Only Year 12s button.
  2. Enter a Finish Date for the first record in the list.
  3. Select the Archive Found Set button.

Note: There is also a Show Only Year 6s button for primary schools!

Update Fees

If you have already updated the ensemble fees in Setup Files > Fees > Ensemble Fees, you can apply them to all your ensemble enrolments in this same window.

Just select the Re-Enrol Found Set button, and the values in your Fees file will be applied to the enrolments in the list.