The kind of list that might be used to chase up unpaid accounts.
For conservatoriums, how to add a student and link them to a debtor.
How to add a tax deductible blurb to receipts
How to generate a debtor report for a time in the past
Handy cheat sheet for use by conservatoriums
How to bill for next term if the current term has not been finalised
Block a student from enrolling in lessons.
Adding BPay to invoices
How to change the note on an invoice after sending it
Overview of the Child Minding Report.
Some pre-set ensemble member printouts
Overview of the various Debtor Reports
A log sheet for teachers to enter the ensembles/classes they have taken.
Options for the setup of invoices
Add, edit and delete contact for students including split families
Overview of the Medical Alert and Medical Notes features.
A script to merge duplicate debtors into one record.
How to merge a student who has been entered twice.
Advice for Conservatoriums on extracting statistics for the NSW DoE
How to add the total outstanding amount on an invoice
An overview of this function.
Adding schools as students in the students file for conservatoriums.
Managing cases where you have a special payment arrangement in place.
How to split invoices for students between more than one debtor
Recording student's school type without a school name