If, like the conservatoriums, you enter your students individually into Music Monitor, your students will be attached to debtors. It can happen that a new debtor is created that is a duplicate of an existing debtor. When this happens, all the students, account lines, and other records associated with that new debtor need to be moved across to the original one so they become one record.

Music Monitor has a script to manage this for you.

You will need to know the Debtor ID for the duplicate record that you want to merge into the other, and for the original record that you want to keep.

In the Debtors file, select an individual debtor to open the record. Then select the gear icon for Settings and select Merge Debtors.

You will be prompted to confirm that you want to merge debtors, as this cannot be reversed.

Then you will need to enter the Debtor IDs for the records you wish to merge. Music Monitor will then change the Debtor ID on all relevant records, and attach any students from the duplicate debtor onto the original debtor, and delete the duplicate.