Last Updated for v8.1.66 

Merge Students (Conservatoriums) 

For schools and conservatoriums that enter student details directly into Music Monitor, students may end out entered into the system twice. In this case the student will have two records with two different ‘Student ID’s. They may also have different ‘Debtor ID’s. 

If one or the other of these records has no associated records in other files (such as tuition enrolments, ensemble enrolments, accounts line items, exams, etc.) then it is safe to delete the record (instructions at the bottom of this document). 

However, if both records have associated records, the two records will need to be merged before one is deleted. 

First, decide which of the student records will be kept (referred to hereafter as “Student A”). Usually, this should be the record with more details and associated records. Note down the ‘Debtor ID’ and ‘Student ID’ of Student A. 

Next, navigate to the student record to be deleted (referred to hereafter as “Student B”). 

All records associated with Student B need to be re-associated to Student A. To do this, change the ‘Student ID’ for all associated records. 

For tuition enrolment, this can be done from the Tuition Form View. The yellow pencil icon can be used to change the ‘Student ID’. Once the ‘Student ID’ is changed, the tuition enrolment should disappear from Student B’s Tuitions Tab and appear in Student A’s Tuitions Tab. 



























For ensemble enrolments, navigate to the record in the Ensemble Enrolment Form View, then select ‘Troubleshooting’ from the Scripts Menu. In the Troubleshooting Menu, select ‘Show All Fields (Ensemble/Class Enrolments)’.  

Then, find and edit the ‘Student ID’ Field. Once the ‘Student ID’ is changed, the ensemble enrolment should disappear from Student B’s Ensembles/Classes Tab and appear in Student A’s Ensembles/Classes Tab. 

















For Loan records, Attendance records and Accounts Line Items, follow in parallel the instructions for ensemble enrolments. 

Next, manually add any unique details in Student B’s record to Student A. This may include additional contact information, which can be added as an additional contact. 

Next, if Student A and Student B have different ‘Debtor ID’s, it may be necessary to merge the Debtors. Separate instructions are available for merging debtors. 

Next, check Student A for double entry of associated records. It may be that tuition enrolments or other records have been entered for both Student A and Student B. As all associated records are now attached to Student A, the double entry will appear as duplicated records. 

Finally, delete Student B. To do this, navigate to Student B’s record in the Students Form View and select ‘Delete Record’.