Find a Debtor Balance for a Particular Date


The Debtor Report can be used to find a debtor’s balance for a particular date. The ‘Debtor Report’ script can be initiated from the Scripts Menu in the Student Accounts File or the ‘Financial Reports’ category in ‘What Do You Want to Do?’. 

When the script pauses in find mode, customise the request by: 

On the first request: 

  • Remove ‘Invoiced’ from the ‘Status’ field.  
  • Add the date you wish to search for in the ‘Date Created’ field. 

On the second request: 

  • Change the request from ‘Include’ to ‘Omit’. 
  • Change ‘<0’ to ‘>0’ in the ‘Amount’ field. 
  • Remove ‘=’ from the ‘Invoice Ref’ field. 
  • Add ‘=’ to the ‘Billing Date’ field. 

Create a third request: 

  • Set the request to ‘Omit’. 
  • Enter ‘>0’ in the Amount field. 
  • Enter ‘>’ followed by the date you wish to search for in the ‘Billing Date’ field. 

Your requests should look like this (with your chosen date in place of (1/04/2015): 







Click the ‘Continue’ button at the top right of your screen. 

The script will then display the Debtor Report. The number in the ‘Outstanding’ column will be the amount that was owed on your chosen date. 

The layout can be changed to the ‘List View’ using the list icon. The ‘Total Amount’ showing at the bottom of the List View should be the same as the ‘Outstanding’ amount on the Debtor Report (a mismatch indicates bad data). The ‘Billing Proof’ and ‘Journal Summary’ buttons can be used to view sub-totals. The layout can be changed back to the ‘Debtor Report’ using the Layout Dropdown Menu. 








Find a Debtor Balance for a Particular Term

To find the Debtor Balance as of a particular past term: 

Perform a find on the Invoices List Screen. The find must have the period of the Term in question specified as a range in the Date field. 









For example, if billing for Term 1, 2020 was conducted on the 10th December, 2019, and billing for Term 2, 2020 was conducted on the 21st March, 2020, then the date range entered should be ‘10/12/2019...20/3/2020’. 

If any records appear in the found set that shouldn’t be included, the omit function can be used to drop them from the found set. 

Once the found set is correct, select ‘Show Related Line Items’ from the Scripts Menu. This will open the Line Items List View with all line items from the found invoices in the found set. Perform a sort by the ‘Payment Date’ field. 

Scan the found set for the payments made after the ‘cut-off’ date and omit them. 

The total balance for the found set is visible in the field at the bottom of the screen. 

The layout can be changed to the Debtor Report using the Layout Dropdown Menu. However, the ‘Days Overdue’ summarisation option will not work properly.