How to print a list of instruments currently on loan
A printable list of all instruments/equipment currently on loan/hire
A printable list of instruments/equipment currently on loan/hire.
Two printable lists of all the Music Department lockers
A printable list of your Music/Book resources
This button will produce a list of exam results.
Scripts to produce two different printouts of current staff.
The sort of list you would want teachers to check to make sure all the details are correct
A report showing the total enrolments for a year for private tuition, broken down by category and subject.
A printout of room allocations for excursions
Finds all students that are learning MORE THAN ONE instrument and displays them in a list that you can print or save.
View or Email Transaction History
This report displays a list of teachers and their students and the number of years each student has been learning.
A list of students entered in exams with a summary at the bottom.