These scripts are found at Common Tasks > Resources > Print Locker List (2)

Locker List

Selecting this button will produce a printable list of all the Music Department lockers, including the following information:

  • Locker Number
  • Padlock Number
  • Currently Issued To (Name/Form of student)
  • Status

The computer will automatically work through a number of steps:

First it will FIND all the lockers.

It will then SORT the records by Locker Number.

It will then go to the 'Locker List (printable)' layout and show the records in 'Preview' mode.

If you are happy with the result of your search, select the Print icon at the top of the screen.

Select Continue at the top right of the screen and you will return to where you started.

Note:  If you wish to change the sort order of this list, select Cancel in the status bar to halt the script.  You can then select Records from the menu at the top of the screen, and Sort records.  A dialog box will appear allowing you to select the fields you wish to have in the sort order.  To get back to your original screen, select Lockers Data Entry from the layout drop-down list in the status bar.

Locker List 2

Selecting this button will produce a printable list of all the Music Department lockers, including the following information:

  • Locker Number
  • Padlock Number
  • Location
  • Currently Issued To (Name/Form of student)
  • Status
  • Notes

The computer will automatically work through a number of steps:

First it will FIND all the lockers.

It will then SORT the records by Locker Number.

It will then go to the 'Locker List (printable)' layout and show the records in 'Preview' mode.

If you are happy with the result of your search, select the Print icon at the top of the screen.

Select Continue at the top right of the screen and you will return to where you started.

Note:  If you wish to change the sort order of this list, select Cancel in the status bar to halt the script.  You can then select Records from the menu at the top of the screen, and Sort records.  A dialog box will appear allowing you to select the fields you wish to have in the sort order.  To get back to your original screen, select Lockers Data Entry from the layout drop-down list in the status bar.