Clicking this button will produce a printable list of instruments/equipment currently on loan/hire. It includes the following information:

  • Student Full Name
  • Instrumental Teacher Last Name
  • Form
  • Item
  • Item ID
  • Date Borrowed
  • Phone Number
  • Notes

The computer will automatically work through a number of steps:

1. Firstly, it will enter FIND MODE, allowing you to enter your own search criteria. However, you will notice that in the 'Record Status' field, a find request has already been entered i.e. 'Current'. This will find all the instruments currently outstanding (or, at least those that haven't had a return date typed in!) You can modify the search criteria, however, by typing in your own request before clicking 'Continue'.

2. Click 'Continue' at the top right of your screen.

3. The computer will then FIND the records specified by your criteria and sort them by Teacher Last Name and then Student Last Name.

4. It will then take you to a different LAYOUT of this information (the 'Print List' layout).

5. It will then pause for you to have a look at the information.

6. If you're happy with the Preview, click the Print icon at the top of the screen.

7. You can then click 'Continue' at the top right of the screen and it will take you back to the 'Loans & Hire Details' layout, in Browse Mode (back to where you started).