Clicking this button will produce a list of exam results. 

It includes the following information:

  • Candidate No
  • Student Last Name
  • First Name
  • Exam Subject
  • Grade
  • Result 

When you click this button, the computer will automatically work through a number of steps:

1.  Firstly, it will take you to another screen where you can select the session and confirm the year for the records you want included on your list.  You can also enter a subject at this point, if you wish to limit your search to one subject only.  If you want your list to include ALL sessions for the current year, leave the Session field blank.

2.  Click 'Continue'.

3.  The computer will then FIND the records specified by your criteria and sort them by Subject, then Grade, then Last Name.

4.  It will then take you to a different LAYOUT of this information (the 'Results Listing' layout).

5.  It will then pause for you to have a look at the information.

6.  If you're happy with the Preview, click the Print icon at the top of the screen.

7.  You can then click 'Continue' at the top right of the screen and it will take you back to the 'Exam Details' layout, in Browse Mode (back to where you started).