Students Overview 

The Students File is a central file in Music Monitor. The Students Form view displays details on the given student and a large selection of Tabs which display portals of student activity in other Music Monitor Files. 

In this file you can view, edit, create and delete records for the given student in the Exams, Ensemble Enrolments, Tuition Enrolments, Loans & Hire, Student Accounts, Excursions and Notes. 





Overview Tab

The Overview Tab displays current student activity in tuition, ensembles, exams and loans. This Tab is useful for searching for students by current activity. 


Accounts Tab 

The Accounts Tab in the Students File displays student account line items for the given student. Line items can be viewed, edited, created and deleted in this tab. 

New records can be created using the green plus icon. New records should be created only for miscellaneous charges. Other charges should be added through the appropriate script. 


Attendance Tab  

The Attendance Tab in the Students File displays attendance records for the displayed student. 

Records appear in a portal, which can be filtered using the filter fields. Records can be viewed, edited, created and deleted in this portal. Changes will be reflected in the attendance rolls. 

A new attendance record can be created using the green plus icon. Enter details in each field of the new record. Dropdown lists will provide data from current enrolments. The ‘Letter Sent’ field should be left blank. 


Awards Tab 

The Awards Tab shows all awards records for the displayed student. New awards can be added using the green plus button. 


Calendar Tab

This tab views the calendar entries of the student for the current week and into the future. 

The key under the central portal displays the highlight colours and their meanings. 

The email icon will create an email to the student with that student’s weekly schedule attached. The printer icon will open a printable view. The ‘Go to Room Management’ and calendar icons will navigate to Room Management and the Calendar File respectively. 

Ensembles & Classes Tab 

The Ensembles/Classes Tab displays the ensemble enrolments for the given student. Enrolments can be viewed, edited, create and deleted from this tab. 

New enrolments can be created using the green plus icon. New enrolments have the default date entered automatically in the enrolment date. The default date can be edited with the yellow pencil icon. 

A yellow ‘Add to Roll’ button is visible on enrolments that are not on the current roll. This can be used to add new enrolments to an existing roll. 


Exams Tab 

The Exams Tab displays exam enrolments for the given student. Exams enrolments can be viewed, edited, create and deleted from this tab. 

Two key fields, ‘Full Name’ and ‘Date of Birth’, are visible at the top of the tab. These should be filled in if they have not done so automatically. 

New exam enrolments can be added using the green plus button. Drop-down data is drawn from the Exam Codes File. If you desired selection is not available in the drop-down, it should be added to the Exam Codes File manually. (A yearly update to the Exam Codes File is available from the Music Monitor Team, and is included in system updates.) 

After results have been returned for an exam, they should be entered here. This will change the ‘Status’ to ‘Archived’. 


Excursions Tab 

The Excursions Tab displays the excursion enrolments for the given student. Excursions and camps can be viewed, edited, created and deleted from this tab. 

Excursions enrolments can be added using the green plus button. Drop-downs are populated from the Excursion Codes File. Excursion and camps should be entered there before creating enrolments. This can be done with the yellow pencil icon. 


Loans & Hire Tab 

The Loans & Hire Tab displays the loan records for the given student. Records can be viewed, edited, created and deleted from this tab. 

New records can be created using the green plus button. Dropdown menus are populated from the Resources File and the Hire Fees File. Details for the resources and hire fees should be fully entered before creating loan records. 


Notes Tab

The Notes tab provides an area to record individual notes about a student. Notes can be created, viewed or edited in this tab. This tab will be highlighted yellow if notes are present.



Performances Tab 

The Performances Tab can be used to track student participation in recitals, concerts and other performances. 

New records can be created using the green plus icon. New records automatically fill with the details from the most recently visited record. All details can then be overwritten if necessary. 

A found set of students can be added to a performance in bulk using the ‘Send to Performances File’ script in the Scripts Menu of the Students File. 


Reports Tab

The Reports tab displays the academic reports for the given student. Reports can be created, viewed or edited in this tab. This is a handy tab to use if a report was not generated during the initial setup.


Tuitions Tab

The Tuitions Tab in the Students File displays the tuition enrolments for the given student. Records can be viewed, edited, created and deleted in this Tab. 

To create a new record, select the green plus button. 

The dropdown lists for the ‘Subject’ and ‘Teacher’ fields are populated from the Subjects File. The ‘Lesson Type’ field dropdown is populated from the Fees File. Fee details will automatically fill based on the ‘Lesson Type’ selected. 


Workshops Tab (Conservatoriums) 

For school and conservatoriums that enter student details manually, the Workshops Tab displays workshop enrolments for the given student. Records can be viewed, edited, created and deleted in this tab. 

A new record can be added using the green plus icon. The dropdown lists are populated from the Workshop Codes Table in the Excursions File, which is accessible via the yellow pencil icon. 

When a new workshop record is added, a green ‘Produce Invoice’ button is visible. This can be used to generate a special invoice with the workshop fee as the only line item.