This report produces a list of all line items that were receipted within a specified period. It shows the total amount as well as the total GST amount. It can be summarised by category and exported as excel.

Running the Report

To run the report, go to Common Tasks > Financial Reports > Receipted line items by category.

A dialog box will ask whether you want to produce a new report or view a past report. When finalised, this report will stamp all included records with a in Receipts Report Date, allowing past reports to be searched by date produced, and preventing lines from appearing on multiple reports.

When generating a new report first select either a month and year or date range. In short, the script will then find all line items on invoices which were fully paid inside the specified period and which haven't appeared on a previous report. The exact process used is more complex and is detailed below.

The script first finds payments with a Payment Date inside the specified period and an invoice amount outstanding of zero of less. In other words, all payments on fully paid invoices.

(Payments on partly paid invoices will not be included. As a result this report will be unlikely to exactly match your payment list for the same period.)

The found set is then expanded to include all line items that share invoice numbers with the payments. Then the payments are excluded from the found set, and a final check is made to ensure the report isn't showing any line items that have previously been reported on.

Music Monitor will then display a list of all line items appearing on invoices that were fully paid during the specified period (and which have an empty Receipts Report Date).

Further Options

Show Summary sorts line items by Category, Description 1, and Description 2. (The sort order can be further altered by selecting Sort.)

Save as excel & FINALISE records exports the records as an excel spreadsheet and inserts the current date in Receipts Report Date. (Note: When line items are 'finalised' this way, they can also no longer be edited unless logging in with 'Admin' privileges.)