Go to Common Tasks > Financial Reports > GST on Payments Made.
You can also navigate to this report via Home > Accounts > Reports : GST on Payments Made.
This report produces a list of all GST-applicable line items that were receipted within a specified period. It shows the total amount as well as the total GST amount. It can be summarised by category and exported as excel.
A dialog box will ask whether you want to produce a NEW report or view a PAST report. (When the GST report is 'finalised', a date is entered in the GST Report Date field, allowing you to search for and view past reports.)
If you select NEW, select a month and year, or enter a date range on the next screen.
The system will then search for all payments made during the specified period AND with an invoice amount outstanding less than or equal to zero. (In other words, ONLY FULLY PAID invoices will ever be included in this report. Part payments will not be included until the final payment is made on that invoice. It's important to note that this report will never exactly match your payment list for the same period.).
Once it finds all the payments, it expands the found set to include all the related line items for the selected invoice numbers and then constrains it to show only GST-applicable line items. It then excludes from the found set any line items that have previously been reported on.
On the next screen you will see a list all the GST-applicable line items attached to invoices that were fully paid during the specified period. (They should all have an empty GST Report Date field.)
Select Show Summary to view the line items sorted by Category, Description 1 & Description 2. (Note: If you don't want Description 1 or Description 2 included in the report, you can change the sort order by selecting Sort in the toolbar at the top of the screen and removing fields from the sort order.)
Select Save as excel & FINALISE records to export the records as an excel spreadsheet and the system will automatically insert today's date in the GST Report Date field. (Note: When line items are 'finalised' this way, they can also no longer be edited unless logging in with administrator privileges.)