Agreement Template
Music Monitor has a number of pre-set templates for these agreements, and you choose which one your organisation uses in the General Settings.
As at August 2024 (V9.194) there are 8 customised Rental Agreement templates in the system. These templates can be viewed from Home > Settings wheel (top right corner) > General Settings > Loans & Hire.
Note: If none of these templates are suitable for you, and you would like the Agreement customised for your school, just ask!
Send a Rental Agreement to ONE Student
When a new hire is entered in the Loans & Hire tab in the Students file, a blue Hire Form button becomes visible on the end of the record’s row.
Select to print or email the Hire Form / Rental Agreement for the record.
You can also produce the Rental Agreement from this screen.
The Rental Agreement will display in a new window.
To change the template, select the settings button and choose a different template.
To print, save as a pdf, or email with the form attached as a pdf, select the Printer or Envelope buttons at the top of the window.
The Hire Form button becomes hidden when a hire form is printed or emailed. Instead you will see an Agreement Sent field and the current date will be inserted.
A Form Returned checkbox also becomes visible on the Loans & Hire tab in Students. This can be ticked when agreement has been confirmed.
Send a Rental Agreement to a GROUP of Students
Rental agreements can be sent to a found set of students from Common Tasks > Printouts > Loans Hire : Print Rental Agreements.
Or from Home > Student Activity > Loans & Hire.
FIND the group of students you wish to send rental agreements. Select the More button and Rental Agreements.
The rental agreements will open in a preview window. Scroll through the records by selecting the back and forward arrows. Select the printer or envelope buttons to print, save as pdf, or send as emails.