Some schools conduct reconciliation at the end of each term, while others do so only at the end of each semester or each year. If you have come to the end of your school’s reconciliation period, ideally reconciliation should be conducted before the billing procedures for the next billing period.

If the next billing period must be billed before the roll is finalised, you can skip to ‘Step 2’. However, you must not reset Number of Lessons RP until after reconciliation has been conducted.

Before reconciliation is conducted, the attendance roll must be finalised for all teachers. If the roll is not finalised, reconciliation cannot be executed.

To begin reconciliation, go to Common Tasks > Billing > Send Lesson Adjustments to Accounts File. Follow the prompts to select the year, semester or term you wish to process. The script will then display the tuition enrolments that have marked attendance records in that time period.

Details of the tuition enrolments are listed in the leftmost columns. The attendance records for the enrolment can be viewed via the play button icon at the far left of the row; attendance records can be edited from this view. The columns to the right of the screen perform calculate the value of lessons given and the possible lesson adjustment. This screen is used for both adjustments and billing in arrears, so some of the columns are important for one process and not the other. 

It is worth noting that:

  • Most columns will sort when the header is clicked. 
  • Archived tuition enrolments will be shaded yellow.
  • Records shaded orange have something in Special Funding Arrangements. These enrolments should be manually checked, as if a scholarship or bursary was applied during the billing period it may be inappropriate to award a lesson credit.
  • Records are shaded red when Actual Total Given and Assumed Total Given differ. This usually occurs when a change of lesson type took place during the reconciliation period. Total Adjust should be manually verified for these records.
  • Omit Zeroes can be used to omit records with Given or Adjustments of zero.

The numbers on this screen should be scrutinised carefully. Where there is a problem the accuracy of the attendance records or Number of Lessons RP is usually the cause. When checking pay particular attention to:

  • Adjustments is the number of lessons the tool has calculated to be credited or debited. Records with large numbers in Adjustments should always be examined. 
  • Number of Lessons RP is manually entered and should equal the number of lessons the student was charged for the reconciliation period. Where a large Adjustments has been calculated, the Number of Lessons RP is often incorrect. Check the Accounts Tab in the Student File to verify the number.
  • Given is the number of lessons the student should pay for according to the rolls. The maths for this number is always accurate, so where the number is suspect the attendance records should be checked for incorrect attendance marks, double entry or other problems.
  • Lesson Fee is the fee according to the tuition enrolment. 
  • Total Adjust is Lesson Fee multiplied by Adjustments
  • Red and orange highlights indicate a possible conflict with lesson fees and a special funding arrangement respectively. These should be checked manually. 

Once the numbers have been checked and verified, the process can be finalised using Send Lessons Adjustments to Accounts. Follow the prompts to complete the import into the Student Accounts File.

The imported line items will then be displayed for review. If there is an error, you can manually edit or delete a line item, or even safely delete the found set and start the process again.