Although the report is named "Staff Load Report (per TERM)", it actually totals the number of teaching hours for the RECONCILIATION period (which may or may not be the same as the number of lessons per billing period, depending on how you have set up your fees.)

Go to Common Tasks > Quick reports > Staff Load Report (per term).

You have the option during the script to show CURRENT teaching load (shows all CURRENT enrolments) or PROJECTED teaching load (shows all CURRENT and PENDING enrolments). The report is sorted by teacher name, lesson type, then student name.

NOTE: You can produce this report for ONE teacher only by going to the Contacts file, finding the teacher and then selecting More > Staff Load Report (per term)

NOTE 2: There is another Staff Load report in the system. This one is produced from the Tuition file, so it shows private Tuition enrolments only. However this report allows you to enter your own search criteria, and it also produces a nice, printable report (or it can be saved as Excel.) You can run this report from Common Tasks > Quick Reports (or Printouts) > Tuition : Staff Load Report (Tuition only)

NOTE 3: Another quick way of viewing the Staff Load for CURRENT Tuition enrolments and Ensemble/Class/Group teaching is on the Teaching Details tab in the Contacts file.