Re-enrolment Letter 1

Clicking this button will generate standard Re-Enrolment Letters for a FOUND SET of records from the tuitions file. The letters generated from the Tuition file include Tuition details only and a separate letter is created for each enrolment (if a student is learning 2 instruments, 2 letters will be created.) A number of template letters have been created in Music Monitor, however, you can edit these letters to suit your needs (and Music Monitor will save your changes). You can send these letters to parents at the end of the year, listing their child's current enrolment details and advising of fees, terms and conditions for the following year.

Re-enrolment Letter 2

Clicking this button will generate standard Re-Enrolment Letters for a FOUND SET of records which are generated from the Students file.  These letters include Tuition, Ensemble AND Instrument Hire details and ONE letter is generated per student (multiple letters if details have  been entered for more than one parent contact).

When you click the button, the computer will automatically work through a number of steps:

1. Firstly, it will allow you to specify search criteria to find a group of records. You will notice 'Current' has been entered in the Status field, but you can change this. You can cancel at this point by clicking 'Cancel' in the toolbar at the top right, otherwise click 'Continue'.

2. You will then be taken to a screen where you can select a Re-Enrolment Letter. You can choose one of the templates and edit it to suit your needs, or you can create a brand new template.

3. Click 'Continue' and standard letters will be generated for each of these records, using the parents' name and address details. (If additional contacts have been entered for the student in the 'Mail Alert/Additional Contact' portal, letters will be generated to these people, too. 

To view each letter, scroll through the pages by clicking the book icon in the toolbar at the top left of your screen.

4. Click 'Continue' at the top right of your screen and you will be given the opportunity to edit the letter. 

In the body of the letter, you have the option to display

  • Subject
  • Lesson Type
  • Teacher Name
  • Teacher Email

but any of these can be de-selected.

You can alter the text in the main body of the letter (and it will be saved for next time). 

You can alter the title of the letter by clicking the 'Edit Letter Title' button. The date, closing, and signature can all be edited, too.

5. Click 'Continue' to preview the letters again.

6. Click 'Continue' at the top right and you will again be given a chance to edit. You can keep editing and previewing until you're happy!

7. When you're satisified with the formatting, click 'No' and you will then be asked if you wish to PRINT or EMAIL the letters.

NOTE: If you choose to EMAIL, separate emails will be generated for every letter. These will open in your email program, one after another, but won't send automatically. You will get to preview each one and then click 'Send'. It might be a good idea to do a few test runs with smaller groups of records, otherwise your email program might go into meltdown!) Make your selection or click 'Cancel'.

8. The letters will print or emails will be generated (allowing you to preview before actually sending) and you will return to your starting screen. A NOTE will be added to each Tuition record (in the Notes portal on the Tuition detail screen) listing the date, letter title and name of the person to whom the letter was sent. This note will be tagged as a 'Private' note.



To run this script, select ‘Re-Enrolment Letters’ from the Scripts Menu in the Tuitions File or the Printouts or End-of-Year Procedures categories in ‘What Do You Want to Do?’. 

The ‘Re-Enrolment Letters’ script generates letters for the found set of tuition enrolments. Multiple letter templates can be selected from, edited and saved. 

A variation of the script, ‘Re-Enrolment Letters 2’ is available in the Scripts Menu in the Students File or the Printouts or End-of-Year Procedures categories in ‘What Do You Want to Do?’. 

The ‘Re-Enrolment Letters 2’ script generates letters for the found set of student enrolments. Multiple letter templates can be selected from, edited and saved. These letters can display data on the student’s tuition, ensembles and loans.