Many institutions use Music Monitor to record and calculate billing amounts and then export that information for another program that handles the billing.
But for those who choose it, Music Monitor can produce and send the invoices as well. Among Music Monitor users, the conservatoriums are the ones who most often use this feature.
The billing information on an invoice is simply a reflection of the Line Items found in the Student Accounts file. In generating an invoice, Music Monitor gives each line item an Invoice ID, and a Billing Date so that its Status shows as Invoiced. Then the information is displayed on an invoice template that has the layout and business information required of an invoice.
In order to use Music Monitor to generate invoices, you first need to choose the correct options in General Settings.
- The NECOM setting was first created for new England Conservatorium of Music, and is now used by all users who wish to produce invoices in Music Monitor.
- You must also select Invoice rather than Billing Statement.
You also need to choose options for your invoice template. See Invoice Setup for the detail.
Produce Invoices
When you have the options above chosen in the settings, you can choose to Produce Invoices as your option when you Process All Unbilled Amounts.
Send Invoices
Once you have generated your invoices, you can send them to the debtors.
If you do not already have on your screen the list of invoices you want to send, go to Home > Accounts > Navigation : Invoices.
Perform a find for the batch of invoices you want to send. Typically, your search criteria would be either the date they were created, in the Date field, and/or a search for blanks ("=") in the Emailed/Printed field. But note that you can also find invoices by other fields such as Date Due, Amount Owing, etc.
Once you have the list of invoices you wish to send, select the envelope icon in the black top bar and select Email (or print) invoices for found set.
You will see a prompt that asks you whether you wish to Print or Email the invoices. If you select Email, you will have the opportunity to write text for the email body, and then Music Monitor will ask whether you wish to preview each email before sending. It will then generate the emails, with the invoices attached.
If you select Print, you will see a preview of the first invoice. You can use the arrows at the top left to scroll through the others before printing.