Music Monitor now includes a function to mark an enrolment record as an enquiry. This is available for both tuition and ensemble enrolments and is often the best way to manage a waiting list.
The enrolment window has a tick-box marked "Tick box if this is an ENQUIRY".
Once you select that box, the Enrolment Date field changes to Enquiry Date, the Status changes automatically to Enquiry, and the Teacher information boxes are no longer visible.
If a preference for teacher needs to be recorded, this is best done in the Notes. For information on using Notes see Notes in Tuition.
Once you enter the Subject and Lesson Type details and Save, the enquiry will appear in the student's Tuition tab on the Students file.
Note the field on the right-hand end that says Form Returned? The meaning of that is that the enrolment has gone from enquiry to confirmed. If you tick that box, there will still be no teaching details entered, so it will show as Pending, but you can open the enrolment and fill in that information now.
While it remains an Enquiry, it will not be included in attendance rolls.
Manage Enquiries
Go to Student Activity > Tuition and perform a Find for records with the Status "Enquiry".
If you have more than a few, you can sort the records by date or as needed to bring them into an order that helps you prioritise placement etc.
For information on adding tuition enrolments see Add Tuition Enrolment Procedure Checklist.