When a teacher leaves during a pay session, their pay can either be finalised in a single pay advice slip or over the course of the remainder of the pay session.

The following procedure checklist is best practice in either scenario:

Step 1: Add negative adjustments immediately

As soon as the teacher is confirmed as leaving, negative adjustments should be added to avoid overpaying them. Negative adjustments should be added for any pre-existing averaged adjustment lines that will not be fulfilled by the teacher. The teacher's standard rate will be recalculated depending on the negative adjustments added.

(For example: The pay session runs over Semester 1 with a total of 16 lessons per student. The teacher will be leaving after Term 1 having only delivered 8 lessons per student. Negative averaged adjustments of 8 lessons must be added for all students to account for the Term 2 lessons which will not be delivered.)

Step 2: Pay as usual until all work delivered

The teacher should continue to be paid as part of the regular pay runs until they have finished delivering all work. At this point, further negative adjustments should be added for any work still not delivered.

(For example: The teacher was expected to deliver 8 lessons per students before finishing, but was unable to deliver a lesson to one student in the final week due to a school event. A negative adjustment of 1 lesson should be added for that one student only.)

At this point the teacher's adjustments should accurately reflect the work they have delivered. The teacher may be paid their new standard rate each pay run for the remainder of the pay session. In this case, no further action is required (the remaining steps in this document can be ignored).

Alternatively, a final pay advice slip can be produced, which 'pays out' all remaining work. This final pay advice slip may be produced at any point in the pay session, so can be delayed if required.

Step 3: Produce final pay advice slip

(Note: this should not be done on the same day as a regular pay run. Doing so can create an incorrect pay advice slip for the finalised teacher.)

To produce a final pay advice slip for a teacher, from the Home Menu go to Office AdminSalariesAdjustments then find the relevant teacher's record and select Print and Finalise This One Teacher's Pay.

The produced pay advice slip should be saved. The usual exported summaries cannot be used for the finalised teacher's pay, so the produced pay advice slip must be used instead. The finalised teacher's standard pay will be changed to $0.00.

The script finishes on a prompt to 'Archive' the teacher. For more information and instructions see Archive Teacher and Reassign Students & Ensembles.

Running this process will not change the number of pay dates remaining in the pay session for the other teachers.