You can use Music Monitor to calculate salaries information to streamline the process for paying your music staff. Each pay period, you can export Salaries lines for your accounting system showing hours worked and pays calculated at different pay rates that you set up.
Music Monitor can distinguish between salaried and sessional pay per teacher, per enrolment, or even down to an individual lesson basis if needed. It can also accommodate other paid work in addition to the scheduled teaching, whether one-off or regular occurrences.
Salaries Setup
To use the Salaries module, you need to have some information entered into Music Monitor:
- Employment Type - Staff must be listed as either Sessional or Salaried.
- Pay Rates - As well as a lesson length, each enrolment needs to specify what teaching load is associated with it.
- Miscellaneous Fees - In order to assign additional paid work to staff, you need to set up some items to assign.
- Attendance Codes - Some salaries calculations depend on attendance information, including marking the roll with a code that denotes staff pay for that lesson.
- General Settings - You need to enable the Salaries module and choose your mode (see below).
For more on the setup, see Set Up Salaries.
You can choose between two distinct Salaries modules:
- Averaged - Calculate pay from a forecast based on enrolments, and average it across multiple pay periods.
- Non-Averaged - Calculate pay each pay period based on attendance records.
Averaged Salaries
The Averaged Salaries Module calculates expected pay over a period, then averages that amount into the nominated number of pay dates. This allows for teachers to receive regular amounts of pay even over holiday periods and other time off.
A Pay Session is the collection of pay dates over which pay is to be averaged. This period can be of any length and include any number of pay dates. However, each pay session should ideally be equivalent to the billing periods plus any holiday periods immediately after the billing period.
For how to use this module, see Calculate Averaged Salaries.
Non-Averaged Salaries
The Non-Averaged Salaries Module calculates salaries based on attendance records. The attendance codes you create tell the module whether to calculate staff pay for this lesson or not.
For how to use this module, see Calculate Pays from Roll Marking.