The Special Funding Arrangements for any tuition can be sent to accounts by selecting Common TasksBilling > Send Scholarships to Accounts File.

When asked whether to include 'Pending' records, select No. (Pending records are those that have not yet commenced due to 

During the find, it is best to remove '>0' from Value and enter '*' in Scholarship/Discount. This is because the Number of Lessons and therefore Value will likely be blank when billing in arrears.

During the preview, the lessons given can be found in the far-right columns. The displayed Term & Year can be changed to display Lessons Given for a different time period.

The number in Lessons Given should be copied into Number of Lessons, to ensure the correct number of lessons are discounted. To do this in bulk, select Enter No. Lessons from Roll-Marking.

Any records with a '$0' in Value should now be omitted. To send the amounts listed to the Student Accounts File, select Send Discount to Accounts.