Music Monitor has a small script to archive a staff member, which carries out a number of steps to ensure their departure is reflected properly in your records. See Archive Teacher and Reassign Records for guidance.

If that teacher then returns to work at the school again, you will want to un-archive their record so that they become an active staff member again. Here is how.

Find the Staff Member by Name

In the Contacts file, you can use the Quick Find bar or the main Find button.

Teaching Details

In the staff member's record, in the Teaching Details tab, you will need to do three things.

  • Remove the Concluded Date
    • Your organisation policy may be to put in a new Commenced date as well.
  • Re-Add Subjects for the Instruments They Teach
    • Music Monitor keeps a separate subject record for each teacher who teaches the subject, so when you archive the teacher, the ones specific to them are deleted. 
  • Create Them a New Login Account

Personal Details

In the Personal Details tab, you need to do two things.

  • In the Category field, de-select "Past Staff" and select "Current Staff" 
    • You can select multiple categories here, so ensure you de-select the ones you don't want, and check if the staff member should be assigned to more than one category. 
  • Change the Status field back to Active