This script is found at Common Tasks > Set up > Import student details from School database.

For information on editing an existing import script see Edit the 'Import Student Details' Script.


It's critical to have up-to-date student details in Music Monitor! For schools that have a student database (such as Synergetic or TASS), this could be tricky. Fortunately, Music Monitor can import student details (e.g. name, address, phone number, parents’ details, year level, home group) from the school database directly or indirectly. That means no manual entry and no double entry of student details!

The Standard Student Import script can be used to import student details into Music Monitor from an excel spreadsheet. This allows for Music Monitor to indirectly import student data from the school's student database (such as Synergetic or TASS). This document is all about the Standard Student Import script.

There is an alternative, though - a Custom Student Import script can import student details via ODBC. This is a more direct approach. In most situations, it is preferable to use a Custom Student Import script, as it can be scheduled to run each day and does not require an excel spreadsheet as a mid-point. Every school needs it's own Custom Student Import script. We can build one for your school collaboratively with your IT Department (they do most of the work).

How that script works

There are two tables for student details in the Students File – the Students Table and the Mail Alert Table. The Students Table stores data for the student and up to two primary carers. The Mail Alert Table stores data for any additional contacts (e.g. split families).

The Standard Student Import script can import student data from two spreadsheets - one for primary contact details and one for additional contacts. Alternatively, it can import from one spreadsheet with students listed multiple times if they have additional contacts. Music Monitor will tidy up the data when it is imported, send it to the right table, and omit the duplicate student records.

Beware that there are no communication rules in Music Monitor. It is assumed that all additional contacts are to be included in all emails and other communication. Use the communication rules in your school database and only extract contact details of parents that should be included.

Spreadsheet set up requirements

The spreadsheet must contain data for all the students at the school. The spreadsheet must be named 'Student records' and 'Additional Contacts' respectively, and be saved in one of the following file paths:

C:/My Documents/Music Monitor Templates/
C:/Music Monitor Templates/

The sheet containing the student data must be named 'Sheet1' in both spreadsheets.

The columns in the spreadsheets must be named identically to the fields in Music Monitor.

Refer to the two charts below for the fields that can be included on each spreadsheet. We recommend you include as much information as possible, as the more data you import, the more you can do with it. However, many fields are non-critical and can be excluded if not needed.

Executing the Import

To run the standard import script, from the Home Menu go to Settings (the gear icon) > System Admin > Standard Import. (For version 9.111 and earlier use Tools > System Admin > Standard Import.)

Fields to include in the 'Student records' spreadsheet

Field name



Student ID number or code


Student title (e.g. Miss)

Name 1

Student first name

Name 2

Student middle name 1

Name 3

Student middle name 2

Name Last

Student last name

Name Preferred

Student preferred first name

Date of Birth

Date of birth



Year Level

Current year level (e.g. 7)

Home Group

Current tutor/home group (e.g. F)


Current form (e.g. 7F)

Form teacher

Current form teacher




Campus (if more than one option)


Boarder (e.g. yes or no)


Student email address

Photo permission

Tag to indicate photo permission

Parent 1 Title

Primary carer 1 title (e.g. Mr)

Parent 1 Name 1 

Primary carer 1 first name

Parent 1 Name 2

Primary carer 1 last name

Parent 1 Relship

Primary carer 1 relationship to student (e.g. Father)

Address 1

Home address line 1 (e.g. The Royal Albert, Apt 310)

Address 2

Home address line 2 (e.g. 9 Bakers Way)


Home address suburb (e.g. Dandenong)


Home address state (e.g. Vic)


Home address postcode


Home address country

Home Phone

Home phone number

Mobile 1

Primary carer 1 mobile number

Mobile 1 name

Mobile 1 holder (Student, Parent, etc.)

Email 2

Primary carer 1 email address

Email 2 name

Email 2 holder (Student, Parent, etc.)

Parent Mailing Names

Primary carer combined mailing name (e.g. Mr & Mrs Smith)


Salutation for letters and emails (e.g. Mr & Mrs Smith)

Parent 2 Title

Primary carer 2 title (e.g. Mrs)

Parent 2 Name 1

Primary carer 2 first name

Parent 2 Name 2

Primary carer 2 last name

Parent 2 Relship

Primary carer 2 relationship (e.g. Mother)

Mobile 2

Primary carer 2 mobile number

Mobile 2 name

Mobile 2 holder (Student, Parent, etc.)

Email 3

Primary carer 2 email address

Email 3 name

Email 3 holder (Student, Parent, etc.)


Parent or Family or Billing ID Number (for accounts)


BPAY reference number (for invoices)

Billing Category

Billing category (if billing in ‘waves’ e.g. Group A, B, C)

Spare Field 1

Any additional data you would like to import

Spare Field 2

Any additional data you would like to import

Fields to include in the 'Additional Contacts' spreadsheet

Field name



Student ID number or code


Parent or Family or Billing ID Number (for accounts)

Parent 1 Title

Additional contact title

Parent 1 Name 1

Additional contact first name

Parent 1 Name 2

Additional contact last name

Parent 1 Relship

Additional contact relationship (to student)

Address 1

Additional contact home address line 1

Address 2

Additional contact home address line 2


Additional contact home address suburb


Additional contact home address state


Additional contact home address postcode


Additional contact home address country

Home Phone

Additional contact home phone number

Mobile 1

Additional contact mobile number

Work Phone

Additional contact work phone number


Additional contact email address

Parent Mailing Names

Additional contact mailing name


Additional contact salutation


Any additional data you would like to import