
A teacher's Schedule is where you allocate students to lesson times, and forms a template for their weekly timetables and rolls. See Manage Timetabling for more.

Before you can allocate lessons to times, you need to create Timeslots in the teacher's schedule. Music Monitor allows you to set up default timeslots in the background, which you can then use to easily populate a teacher's schedule.

Default Timeslots

Default timeslots allow you to pre-fill a teacher's schedule with the timeslots they are most likely to need. You will generally still need to edit or add individual timeslots in teachers' schedules to match their specific enrolments.

You set up the default timeslots using the script at Common Tasks > Set up > Set up default booking times.

Starting from Scratch

If you are newly setting up Music Monitor, this list will be empty. You will see some fields and buttons at the top.

The way to create timeslots is:

  1. Select New Record and select Mon in that record.
  2. Enter a time in the field First time slot to start at.
  3. Enter your most commonly used Lesson Length in the field Global Length.
  4. Select Set up default times.
    Music Monitor will create Monday timeslots according to your specifications.
  5. Select New Record and select Tues in that record.
  6. Select Set up default times. Continue this for all your teaching days.

You will notice that you can change the defaults as you go, and add different sets of timeslots on different days if you choose to. You can also edit the timeslots after they're generated, so that your set of default timeslots matches as closely as possible what you will want to set up for your teachers.

Note that you will have options at the time you apply this to your teachers, so that if some teachers teach a shorter day, you can add only a portion of the default timeslots to that particular teacher's schedule.

Clearing Your Default Timeslots

If you have default timeslots that were set up previously, but you want to change them, you can edit or delete individual timeslots by selecting the data to edit or selecting the red X on the end of each row.

You can also delete the whole set of timeslots to start over.

From the default bookings screen (or from most other screens), in the grey top bar select Scripts > Troubleshooting.

In the Troubleshooting screen, select Show All Fields : Default Booking Timeslots

In that window, you will see all your default timeslots.

A red button allows you to Delete Found Set.

Once you have deleted all the records, you can go back to setting up the default timeslots as described above.

Note that this does not affect the timeslots that may be already set up in teachers' schedules.

Applying Default Timeslots to Teachers

In an individual teacher's file, select the red Timetabling button.

In the Timetabling window, select Settings Wheel > Add default timeslots to THIS teacher schedule.

  • You will notice there are other functions you can carry out here, too, including an alternative link to the Set up or edit default timeslots screen.

When you select the Add default timeslots button, you will first be asked whether to add all default timeslots or if you wish to choose timeslots to add.

Selecting ALL will obviously add all of your default timeslots to that teacher's schedule, ready for use in enrolling students.

If you select CHOOSE, you will see a window where you can select a day and enter a start and finish time for that individual teacher on that day.

You must select a Day.

You may also optionally enter a time range. If you leave this field blank, all timeslots for the selected day will be used.

  • Note: This is a Find window, so you must enter the range using the "..." in between the values as shown in the example.
  • Note: The field it's searching in is Start Time, so if you have 30min default timeslots, and your teacher needs to finish at 2pm, the latest start time you want it to find is 1:30pm.
  • Note: This script finds Default Booking Times from the list you set up in the previous steps. If the criteria you enter here extend beyond what you have set up, it will not find the additional timeslots because they're not in your list.

You can use the green + button to add more days in this one window, and add times for all of this teacher's days in one step.

  • Note: In the next step, you will be able to select a room for these timeslots as well, so that it is pre-filled in the teacher's schedule. If the teacher uses different rooms on different days, you may prefer to add those days in separate steps.

When you have added the days you want to include in this step, select Continue. You will then have the option to select a room for these bookings. Select from your room list and select Continue, or you can also select Assign Room Later.

The timeslots that match your find criteria will be added to this teacher's schedule. If other timeslots already existed in the schedule, the new ones will slot in among them in day and time order. If there are any time clashes, including fully duplicated timeslots, the Start Time will be highlighted in bright yellow.

Individual Timeslots

As soon as you need to enrol someone into a slot that doesn't match the defaults you have set up, you will obviously need to edit the timeslots you have created. That's easy.

If you select the timeslot anywhere from the Room field to the Finish field, it will open an edit window.

You can edit the details of the timeslot here, and Save.

  • If a student has been enrolled in this timeslot, editing the timeslot will edit the student's booking allocation.

You can add a new timeslot using the green + button at the top of the Schedule.

You can delete an entire timeslot using the white More... button on the end of the row.

For more on using timeslots to schedule lessons, please see: