We hope you find this help site easy to use. But if you're not sure how to find what you're looking for, we have these pointers.


The help articles are grouped into categories - mostly according to the module in Music Monitor that they relate to, as well as some other categories that are needed, such as "Technical and Setup", or "Navigation & General".

You can always select the Home link at the top of the article

On the Home page, underneath the featured articles are the Categories. If you know the category your query relates to, that may make your search quicker.


Obviously, there is a search bar at the top there.

If your search doesn't bring up the information you're looking for, try thinking of other words to describe the thing you're looking for. We've made an effort to include a variety of terms to help you find what you're looking for, but there are always more ways to say things, so not every term will appear!

Overview Article

Overview articles are not only a good introduction to the module they describe, which will answer a lot of questions, but also link to many of the other articles on the topic, both within the article and in the Related Articles at the bottom of each article.

These articles are tagged as "Overview Article"

You can select that tag at the bottom of the article and see the list of all articles tagged as Overview Article.

Help Improve the Help Pages

We are working continually on these pages to answer as many questions as we can. If you find a help page valuable, please take a second to vote it up so we can gauge the quality of the information.

If there is some information that's missing or unclear, or a question that you'd like a help page to address, please contact your usual Music Monitor support team member, or via our contact page.