When generating pay advice slips, all unpaid line items are added to the pay advice slips. It is possible to withhold some of the unpaid line items, and to produce a partial pay run.

The unpaid salaries lines are found at Office AdminSalariesAll Adjustments.

Note that if you calculate salaries from attendance records, this list will not contain those records (it will just show any Additional Paid Work that was created separately) until you run the Import attendance records step in the Salaries module. See Calculate Pays from Roll Marking for more information.

Once your salaries lines are imported, the All Adjustments list will show them. There is a field labelled Hold on the right-hand end of the row.

If you select this field, it will mark the box with an X, and that row will be excluded from the pay run until you come back later and un-mark it.

Perform a Find in this list to bring up only the lines you want to exclude from the pay run. If you're running a pay run for just one teacher, you would select that teacher in the IDStaff field and then select the eye icon on the end of the row to omit these records.

The resulting list will be everyone else.

Select the box to Hold one of the lines, and go to Records > Replace field contents

This allows you to mark all the Hold boxes in one go.

Now when you run the pay run, only the remaining records that you omitted from your list, and therefore didn't mark to Hold, will be included.

Remember that you must un-mark them later in order to include them in a pay run. You can un-mark them in bulk in the same way.