Quick Lists are an easy way to get lists of students and important information. 

Among the many uses of Quick Lists are producing: 

A list for classroom teachers of their students who learn a musical instrument. 

A list of contact details for a music teacher. 

A list of student names and ID numbers for the school office. 

To run the script, select ‘Quick Lists’ from the Scripts Menu in the Students File. The script will use the current found set of students. 

The script will open a preview of the Quick List. The green buttons can be used to cycle between the three Quick List variants. 







Quick List 1 is a numbered list showing First Name, Last Name, Year Level, Form, Student ID, Parent Mailing Names and Home Phone Number. 

Quick List 2 prints like a student directory showing Last Name, Preferred Name, Form, Parent Names and Address and Phone Numbers. 

Quick List 3 is like Quick List 2 but also includes Contact Email Addresses. Quick List 3 shows all contact email addresses for the student (including any contacts in the Mail Alert table). 

All the Quick List variants have customizable headings and can be printed in either Landscape (showing all information) or Portrait orientation (cutting off the last column or so). The sort order can also be changed by clicking the column headings.