These slips display enrolment details including day, time and venue per student and are intended to be distributed to the students. They can be generated by selecting ‘Print Music Program Advice Slips’ from the Printouts Category in ‘What Do You Want to Do?’ or the Scripts Menu in the Students File. 

The slips come in a printable and an emailable variation. The printable version includes up to 3 tuition enrolments and 4 ensembles per student. The emailable version includes up to 4 tuition enrolments and 6 ensembles per student. The emailable version also includes school logo and school name at the top of the slip. 

If run from ‘What Do You Want to Do?’ the script will open a find which can be customised before continuing – slips will be generated for the found set of students. If run from the Students File, the script simply generates slips for the current found set.