Students can be billed in bulk for ensemble enrolments. This process relies on accurate enrolment data and careful configuration of ensemble fees. For more information see "Manage Ensemble Fees" and "Add Ensemble Procedure Checklist".

Go to Common TasksBillingSend Ensemble/Class Fees to Accounts File.

The script will ask whether to include pending enrolments. The appropriate choice will most likely vary with timing. See the "Timing Considerations" section below for more information.

Next, the script will create find requests based on your selection. The find requests can be edited as needed. Most commonly, requests can be configured to include or omit specific ensembles.

Select Perform Find to continue the script. Next the script will display the found ensemble enrolments. The enrolments should be checked and adjusted as needed.

When the list of enrolments has been verified, select Send to Accounts and follow the prompts to create the billing line items.

Number of sessions

The Number of Sessions field on each enrolment should reflect the amount of fee units you wish to charge for. There are two usual set ups:

  • Number of Sessions is equal to the number of times the ensemble meets.
  • Number of Sessions is set to "1" is the ensemble is charged at a flat rate.

Timing considerations

This billing process is usually conducted once a term (or semester) at one of the following times:

  • Before the start of term
  • In the first three weeks of term
  • At the end of term (in arrears)

Depending on the timing, different factors should be considered.

Before the start of term

If this process is being run before the start of term, some or all of the enrolments may be "Pending" rather than "Current". It will be important to select to include "Pending" records at the start of the script.

In the first three weeks of term

Though almost all enrolments should be "Current", any enrolments that were given a later enrolment date may still be "Pending". Additionally, it is possible that some students that started the term enrolled in the ensemble have finished; if these students are to be charged, the find request will need to be altered to suit.

At the end of term (in arrears)

When billing at the end of term, no "Pending" enrolments will need to be included. However, some enrolments that were active during the term may now be "Archived" the find request will need to be edited to include these enrolments. This can be done by adding a find request that searches for records with Status "Archived" and Finish Date ">X" (where "X" is the start date of term).

Care should be taken for any enrolments being charges per session that the Number of Sessions field reflects the actual number of sessions given. Go to Setup FilesEnsemblesForm View and check the Attendance Portal to find the number of sessions given.

Where the Number of Sessions needs to be changed for all the enrolments for an ensemble, it can be changed in bulk using Replace Field Contents.