There are several ways of billing for Accompanist Rehearsals in Music Monitor.   

  • Set up standard accompanist fees and apply them to the exam record. The fee can then be sent individually or in a batch to the Student Accounts File. 
  • Enter the fee manually in the Accounts Tab in the Students File. 
  • Enter the amount as additional paid work on the Teacher’s Charge Sheet. Then send the amount to the Accounts file to be processed. 

Each method is described in more detail below. 


1.    Set up standard accompanist fees and apply them to the exam record

To set up standard accompanist fees, navigate to the Exam Codes File and select the red ‘Accomp Fees’ button. New records can be created with the ‘New Record’ button. A new accompanist fee must be created for each combination of institution and grade. 







Next, set the ‘Accomp?’ field on the relevant exam record to ‘Yes’. The accompanist fee will be automatically entered for the exam. To confirm, enter the Exam Form Layout. Accompanist fee details are listed on the right-hand side. 

















You can then use the ‘Send This One Accomp Fee to Accounts’ button or the ‘Send Accompanist Fees to Accounts’ script in the ‘Billing’ category of ‘What Do You Want to Do?’ to send the fees to Student Accounts in bulk. 


















2.   Enter the fee manually in the Accounts Tab in the Students File. 

To enter the fee manually, go to the Accounts Tab in the Students File and click the green ‘+’ icon. Add detail to the created line item. 

The yellow pencil icons on ‘Category’ and ‘Description 1’ can be clicked to create new options in the dropdown menus.  


3.    Enter the amount as additional paid work on the Teacher’s Charge Sheet.   

If the Non-Averaged Salaries Module is in use, the amount can be added to the teacher’s charge sheet with the student’s name selected as ‘Description 3’ from the dropdown list. 

‘Send Student Charges’ can then be selected on the Non-Averaged Salaries Menu to add the charge to Student Accounts. 

Because the amount is set once and used for both pays and billing, the fee and teacher pay amount must be the same when using this method.